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Far-Left Sackville 'Journalists' Bruce Wark and Erica Butler Show Their Bias in Smearing Female Mayoral Candidate?

Far-Left Sackville 'Journalists' Bruce Wark and Erica Butler Show Their Bias in Smearing Female Mayoral Candidate?

During the recent Tantramar municipal elections, Bruce Wark of Wark (Woke?) Times and Erica Butler/David Koch (CHMA FM) attempted to smear Bonnie Swift as ‘far right’ and even possibly racist, while ignoring her family history of working with First Nations and that she has an adopted black brother.

It is very disturbing that Wark chose to judge Bonnie from one tweet, especially the tweet from Poilievre, in which she was actually responding to another person’s comment well below this tweet. It appears these activists took a screenshot of her comment and put it right below Poilievre’s tweet image, without showing the tweet she was responding to. See the people mentioned in her reply below (@BennyBlocks and @edgs1803):

Bonnie's tweetBonnie has worked with First Nations groups most of her life. When she volunteered as the Environmental Chairperson for the International Rights of Way Association, she taught the Environmental EIA process to the people of Nunavut who were establishing their own independent government. She has employed First Nations people to do most of her environmental assessment work. Her family grew up next to the Fort Folly First Nation. A lot of her childhood friends are still there. Her father has lived next door to them for 83 years, his oldest friends still live there, and her grandparents were there even longer. Maybe Wark should have asked about her relationship with them before he posted that. Instead he did nothing of the sort. She had no input into the article whatsoever, only an opportunity to respond after the fact.

Swift has made it publicly known that she is socially liberal and fiscally conservative. She even voted for Trudeau and has what most people would call reasonable viewpoints. But these mainstream views are a far cry from the local and vocal cult of far leftists that we have in Sackville.

Many people know that the ‘Overton Window’ has shifted a lot to the left which makes many of these leftists accuse anyone who is basically left of Stalin to be ‘far right’. Unfortunately these types of extreme views can often result in mental illness and even alcoholism, which can result in some of the unhinged activities that I am describing in this post.

With over 18 councillors and mayoral candidates who ran in this election, the question is why was she the only one who was smeared with multiple articles and had her social media history looked over?

Many people are aware that Bonnie also has an adopted black brother so the idea that there are any sort of “far right” or racist views is laughable. Most respectable journalists would have done some basic research in these matters. The idea that a strong dislike of Trudeau is pretty much the norm for a majority of Canadians is hard to fathom for these leftists (even after all these years of scandals and now rampant inflation due to overspending).

CHMA FM also made implications that Bonnie is a self-proclaimed millionaire. Bonnie at no time mentioned her own personal net worth. One could also question why is this even relevant but again success is often demonized by communist types.

Based on their articles, Bruce Wark and Erica Butler/David Koch also don’t seem to understand how business works (not surprising for many far left, socialist types). Bonnie had mentioned at the candidates forum that she and others had built up a company to a $25 million value in Calgary. For some reason they seem to think this means all that money went into her pocket. Most regular people know that you don’t always get the estimated value of the company when it comes time to sell based on the changing market conditions, or that there are many expenses to deal with during a sale, and also that there are many other owners/shareholders involved that had to receive a large portion of the funds. Not to understand this shows a basic disconnect from the way a successful economy really works.

The other inherent flaw in this sort of attack is assuming that there is anything wrong with making money or being successful, but it is a common attack used by far left communist types.

Bruce and CHMA FM also criticized Bonnie for deleting her tweets. But around this time in addition to the missing context Tweets, some Leftist admins of the Tantramar Community Concerns Facebook page were attempting to bribe the owner of the page to doctor the logs to make it look like Bonnie had been engaged in nefarious activities (more on this election interference in a future article). So due to these concerns all of her tweets were removed so they couldn’t be used to further distort her views. There was nothing she tweeted that she doesn’t believe and her views are basically fiscally conservative and socially liberal (again she voted for Trudeau the first time he ran). Perhaps the real scandal that should be reported is the attempted bribery. Yet, crickets!

After the attack on Bonnie, articles were posted on these leftist sites in praise of Sabine Dietz and Andrew Black, leaving one to wonder whether these could be the preferred candidates of these potentially biased journalists?

Glenn Greewald quote about the Left