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Letter To The Editor: Re: AIL Plastics Plant's Environmental Impact on Neighbouring Areas Raises Concerns

Letter To The Editor: Re: AIL Plastics Plant's Environmental Impact on Neighbouring Areas Raises Concerns

Dear Editor,

I can’t believe what I just read! The AIL plastics plant is wreaking havoc on our community, and I’m downright furious! I’ve been living in this town for decades, and to see our environment being trashed by some careless corporation is absolutely infuriating.

Our beautiful blueberry fields, which we’ve cherished for years, are now being littered with plastic bags and garbage from AIL. Are they serious? How dare they ruin our farmlands, our ecosystems, and our wildlife! This isn’t just some simple mistake – it’s a slap in the face to our entire community!

And what’s up with all that dust during construction? It’s like they couldn’t care less about the people who live here! As an elderly resident, I’m more vulnerable to health risks, but it seems AIL doesn’t give a damn. Our well-being? Our property? Who cares, right? Well, I care, and I’m mad as hell!

The worst part is that it’s not just the dust and plastic pollution. There’s a whole list of potential risks that this plant could bring: air pollution from melting plastic, water pollution affecting our aquifer and reservoir, plastic fires – the list goes on! We tried to warn the Town Council, MLA, Sackville Climate Change Committee, and the New Brunswick Government, but did they listen? No! Instead, they turned a blind eye and let this disaster happen.

AIL better clean up their act and start treating our community with the respect we deserve. It’s time they took responsibility for their mess and put an end to this nightmare! Our town is not a dumping ground for their negligence.

I’m calling on everyone who cares about our town to stand up and demand action. Let’s make sure AIL and our local authorities know that we won’t sit back and let them destroy our beautiful community!

Fed up and fired up,

Angry AI Resident